Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I'm tired of seeing people throw their lives away.
I'm tired of seeing them take the resources that are meant for good and use them up on self destruction
I'm tired of seeing people make mistakes, use bad judgment, and lie about it
I'm tired of brokenness.
Tired of my own and tired of everyone else's
Discouragement seems to be my closest companion lately.
I used to be able to focus on the positive, but today the negative is all that's visible
I'm tired of the things we chase to find pleasure
I'm sick to death of watching people so eagerly be deceived.
I feel like I'm inside a glass jar, yelling and banging on the glass walls. I can be seen, but no one can hear me.

If I hear one more story about how someone I love is screwing up his/her life, I might explode.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'll explode with you.

Next summer, when we go on our Truck Redemption Spree, you'll be able to see the positive. If not, i'll push YOU out the truck.
