Thursday, November 30, 2006

Christmastime is here

So yeah, my younger friends kindly reminded me that it's not Christmas after I told them in band practice we would be learning some Christmas Carols fact, they said, it's still November. Well, on that point they are right, but my friends, it is indeed Christmas. I had to laugh when I remember that these guys are still in their teens and time doesn't travel so quickly for them as it does for me. Four weeks plus a few days can still seem like an eternity when one is young, but when one is a mom with three kids who have homework and basketball practice, a job, a somewhat serious commitment to exercise, and about 40 "adopted" teenagers to love and care about, time flies. Literally. Four weeks plus a few days is no time at all, and Christmas, for me at least, is here and pressing on me with all it's might.

Not that I mind. I love Christmas. There is a different feel in the air. I used to think that "Christmas Spirit" was manufactured by traditions celebrated in years past, but now I think that it's a real entity, and that the nearness of God is the reason we feel differently at Christmas. For some, that nearness means hope, love, warmth and acceptance. For others, that nearness means despair. They haven't yet learned that the nearness exists to reach out to give hope to the hopeless, light the those in darkness, forgiveness to the guilty.

There are a lot of things I think about at Christmas, and maybe I'll be commited enough to writing throughout this season to get some of those thoughts on paper (virtual paper). Stay tuned.

Until then, you can enjoy Mr. Hicks unbelievably unique and impressive version of "White Christmas"

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